Middle School - Class VI to VIII

Middle school is very important in child development and learning. A focused effort to development beyond academic performance is essential in ensuring successful child development. This is the stage where children learn how to learn in school.

Learning Plan and Academics

Language subjects offered in middle school classes are English, Malayalam, Hindi I Sanskrit. The subjects taught in middle school classes are Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Basics in Computer Science, Physical Education, Dance, Music, Karate, Art and Craft, General Knowledge.

Classes VI to X will function from Monday to Friday and, on the first and third Saturdays of every month.

The SDKYGV School follows an education pattern as per the directions of the CBSE. It refers to a system of evaluation of students that covers all aspects of Student’s Development. Students in classes VI to X are assessed in the Scholastic and Co-Scholastic area.


For more details, please feel free to contact us!

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