
Our Kindergarten is designed as a pre-school approach based on playing, and other activities such as singing, drawing, and games etc. The main aim of our Kindergarten education is to enable the much-needed transition of children from their home environment to the social environment and enable interaction with other children. Kindergarten is very essential in influencing children on necessary social skills and shaping them for their academic and learning life ahead.

Why SDKY Kindergarten?

The emotional quotient of the child is given its due importance in addition to the intellectual and physical quotient. Children are taught alphabets, numbers, storytelling, drawing, colouring, conversation skills, songs and dance by the play-way method. Children also have access to smart class facilities.

At SDKY, we maintain a home-like environment in our Kindergarten classes, which is essential in contributing to a relaxed and focused state for children, so that they can gain from their presence and activities in these classes. There are plenty of activities offered to children on a daily basis, including toys and other artefacts that can spark interest and inspiration on children. We pay equal emphasis on the quality of our indoor and outdoor environment.

For more details, please feel free to contact us!

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