
Integrating innovative and latest teaching technology, we have smart classes provided by TeachNext .It is immensely user friendly.

Library is a kaleidoscope of variety of information knowledge treasured in books.Our Library has a good stock of books on Languages, Science,References etc.The students are encouraged to make reading as a habit. News papers, Magazines, dictionaries etc are available for students and teachers to update with latest news and events (An efficient and experienced librarian manages our Library)

A good education is a foundation for a better future. We have well qualified and experienced teachers to cater profuse knowledge and values and prepare students to face the world.

Our Physics lab encompasses various scientific and electronic instruments needed for experiments till class XII.The lab is equipped with safety kits.

Our Chemistry lab is well-equipped with scientific apparatus and solutions.The students can observe different reactions prescribed in their textbooks.We also maintain safety norms.Our labs cater to the updated need for experiential learning.

Our Biology lab has an ample collection of plants and animal specimens used for the practical purposes.Instruments like microscopic slides,models,charts etc are available.

The fully furnished lab has computers with internet facility in computers to facilitate the use of internet as a source of knowledge.The computer are installed with latest hardware and software.The lab is strictly supervised by the computer teacher to avoid misuse of the internet facility.

Extra curricular activities are helpful to gain holistic growth in students.Our School provides yoga .Karate ,dance,music,art and craft that help the students to lone their hidden talents and skills.Various clubs like Oratory club,Drama club,safety club,social club,nature club that help students to exhibit their talents, get close to the nature and do social works.

Kindergarten is a pre-School experience for kids .The elementary aspects of learning are taught fun activities like music and art.Well – qualified ,experienced and active teachers support and nurture them.
Primary level
Children need primary education to develop foundational literacy and numeracy skills. Expert teaching through worksheets,smart class activities and interactions, our students are readied for higher classes.We follow Art Integrated activities prescribed by the CBSE in all subjects to make learning easier.
School Assembly
A School assembly units the whole school.Our assembly has variety of programmes with active participation of students .Besides prayer and pledge,news reading,quiz,skit, dance , observing important days etc are presented that help the students to gain confidence.Our assembly is like a celebration.
Senior Secondary level.
This year we could include new stream for plus two level.Students are enrolled based on their academic performances brief counseling is given to students to understand their area of interest and then choose the group.

Our School has buses that assure safe travel of our students .Buses are in good conditions and a non-teaching staff is deployed in each bus to take care of students .